A Companion to Continental Philosophy
Simon Critchley & William R. Schroeder
Weltschmerz: Pessimism in German Philosophy, 1860-1900
Frederick C. Beiser
The Promise and the Dream: The Untold Story of Martin Luther ...
David Margolick
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson
Complex Analysis
Joseph Bak & Donald J. Newman
Provenance in Data Science
Leslie F. Sikos & Oshani W. Seneviratne & Deborah L. McGuinness
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing (1)
Deep Learning with Python 2017
Nikhil Ketkar & Jojo Moolayil
Deep Learning with Python 2021
Practical Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python
Sayan Putatunda
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python
Nimish Sanghi
Cleaning Data for Effective Data Science
David Mertz
Python Natural Language Processing Cookbook
Zhenya Antic
Quantum Machine Learning with Python
Santanu Pattanayak
Computer Vision Using Deep Learning
Vaibhav Verdhan
Understanding Network Hacks - 2nd Edition
Bastian Ballmann
Beginning Mathematica® and Wolfram for Data Science
Jalil Villalobos Alva
Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in Healthcare
Malek Masmoudi & Bassem Jarboui & Patrick Siarry
Hands-On Question Answering Systems with BERT
Navin Sabharwal & Amit Agrawal
Dive Into Algorithms
Bradford Tuckfield
Modern Cryptography
William Easttom
Applied Data Science using PySpark
Ramcharan Kakarla & Sundar Krishnan & Sridhar Alla
Python Machine Learning Workbook for Beginners
Ai Publishing
Beginning MLOps with MLFlow
Sridhar Alla & Suman Kalyan Adari
Beginning Game AI with Unity
Sebastiano M. Cossu