Aspects of Semidefinite Programming: Interior Point Algorithms ...
E. de Klerk
The Ezra Pound Encyclopedia
Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos & Stephen Adams
How to Manage Risk in an Era of Explosive Unstructured Data ...
Play and Development: Evolutionary, Sociocultural, and Functional ...
Artin Göncü & Suzanne Gaskins
Eriugena, al-Kindī, Nikolaus von Kues: Protagonisten einer wissenschaftsfreu[..] ...
Alfred Gierer
Advanced LaTeX in Academia: Applications in Research and Education
Marco Öchsner & Andreas Öchsner
Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten Schreiben Mit LaTeX: Leitfaden Für ...
Joachim Schlosser
Big Data Analysis for Green Computing: Concepts and Applications
Rohit Sharma & Dilip Kumar Sharma & Dhowmya Bhatt & Binh Thai Pham
The Riemann Hypothesis and the Distribution of Prime Numbers
Naji Arwashan
Web Data APIs for Knowledge Graphs: Easing Access to Semantic ...
Albert Meroño-Peñuela & Pasquale Lisena & Carlos Martínez-Ortiz
Algorithms on Trees and Graphs
Gabriel Valiente
Texts in Computer Science (1)
LaTeX Beginner's Guide: Create Visually Appealing Texts, Articles, ...
Stefan Kottwitz
Concise Introduction to Logic and Set Theory
Iqbal H. Jebril & Hemen Dutta & Ilwoo Cho
Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning: 26th International ...
Tanya Braun & Marcel Gehrke & Tom Hanika & Nathalie Hernandez
The Programmer's Brain: What Every Programmer Needs to Know ...
Felienne Hermans
Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica®: Band 2: Analysis
Walter Strampp & Dörthe Janssen
What's the Use?: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics
Ian Nicholas Stewart
Robust Python: Write Clean and Maintainable Code
Patrick Viafore
Design Patterns for Cloud Native Applications: Patterns in Practice ...
Kasun Indrasiri & Sriskandarajah Suhothayan
Warum Nachhaltigkeit Nicht Nachhaltig Ist
Klaus-Dieter Hupke
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic
James K. Peckol
API Design Patterns
Jj Geewax
Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python
Allen B. Downey
JavaScript Cookbook
Adam D. Scott & Matthew MacDonald & Shelley Powers
OpenShift for Developers: A Guide for Impatient Beginners
Joshua Wood & Brian Tannous