The Right Decision: A Mathematician Reveals How the Secrets ...
James Stein
On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions
Felix Klein & Frances Hardcastle
Business Process Management Reloaded´
Porsche Consulting
Wiley encyclopedia of composites
Luigi Nicolais & Assunta Borzacchiello & Stuart M. Lee
Flask: Building Python Web Services
Gareth Dwyer & Shalabh Aggarwal & Jack Stouffer
Dictionary of Contemporary Slang
Tony Thorne
Multilingual America: Language and the Making of American Literature
Lawrence Alan Rosenwald
Exploring the German Language
Sally Johnson & Natalie Braber
World Englishes: The Study of New Linguistic Varieties
Rajend Mesthrie & Rakesh M. Bhatt
Language Planning and Policy: Language Planning in Local Contexts
Anthony Liddicoat & Richard B. Baldauf
Encyclopedia of Language and Education
Nancy H. Hornberger
Irish English: History and Present-Day Forms
Raymond Hickey
The Language of Evaluation: Appraisal in English
James R. Martin & P. R. R. White
The Bilingual Mind: Thinking, Feeling and Speaking in Two Languages
Rafael Art Javier
Language and National Identity in Asia
Andrew Simpson
Why We Talk: The Evolutionary Origins of Language
Jean-Louis Dessalles
Motivation, Language Attitudes and Globalisation: A Hungarian ...
Zoltan Dornyei & Kata Csizer & Na3ra Na(c)meth
Spoken English, TESOL and Applied Linguistics: Challenges for ...
Rebecca Hughes
The Language of Jury Trial: A Corpus-Aided Analysis of Legal-Lay ...
C. Heffer
Handbook of Language and Social Interaction
Kristine L. Fitch & Robert E. Sanders
Legacies of Colonial English: Studies in Transported Dialects
Language Contact and Grammatical Change
Bernd Heine & Tania Kuteva
Word Myths: Debunking Linguistic Urban Legends
David Wilton
Language and Identity: National, Ethnic, Religious
John E. Joseph
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis: ...
Lynne Young & Claire Harrison