Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition
Charles E. Leiserson & Ronald L. Rivest & Clifford Stein & Thomas H. Cormen
International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science
Miodrag Lovric
Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Shakespeare's Sexual Language: A Glossary
Gordon Williams
Ancient Greece: A History From Beginning to End (Ancient Civilizations)
Hourly History
The Master Algorithm
Pedro Domingos
Magnet Secrets
Peter Lindemann
The Fueless Engine
Richard Stettenbenz
Bauplan Für Freie Energie - Bitte Dringend Weiterverbreiten
Einfälle statt Abfälle
Michel Daniek
Capaticator Step-up Transformer
Creative Science
Silence Is Golden Quotes
American Wake Up Call - Prayer Guide.doc
Ron Allen
Blender Hotkeys v1.1
Geometry Nodes Cheatsheet for Blender
Art of Leading HR
The Ultimate ChatGPT Cheat Sheet
Design Desk
Bell theorem without inequalities for two spinless particles ...
Herbert J. Bernstein & Daniel M. Greenberger & Michael A. Horne & Anton Zeilinger
Mutual Contempt
Jeff Shesol
Mind & Consciousness: Five Questions (Essay)
David John Chalmers
Conceptual Analysis & Reductive Explanataion (Essay)
David John Chalmers & Frank Jackson
Strong and Weak Emergence (Essay)
Conceptual Analysis and Reductive Explanation (Essay)
Ontological Anti-Realism (Essay)
Origin of Freemasonry: 1717 Theory
Chalmers I. Paton