Algebraic Logic
Semen G. Gindikin
Symbolik des Geistes: Studien über psychische Phänomenologie
Carl Gustav Jung & Riwkah Schärf
Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables: Proceedings ...
Gen Komatsu & Masatake Kuranishi
Morphology and Its Interfaces
Alexandra Galani & Glyn Hicks & George Tsoulas
Ontology and the Lexicon: A Natural Language Processing Perspective
Chu-Ren Huang & Nicoletta Calzolari & Aldo Gangemi & Alessandro Lenci & Alessandro Oltramari & Laurent Prevot
The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations
Thomas M. Franck
Bioethics: A Return to Fundamentals
Bernard Gert & Charles M. Culver & K. Danner Clouser
Feminism & Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction
Susan M. Wolf
Global Bioethics: The Collapse of Consensus
Tristram H. Engelhardt Jr.