Practical Theology: Spiritual Direction From Saint Thomas Aquinas
Peter J. Kreeft
Pirate Philosophy: For a Digital Posthumanities
Gary Hall
Shape of Things: A Philosophy of Design
Vilém Flusser
Technology and the Politics of Knowledge
Andrew Feenberg & Alastair Hannay
The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting
Mahesh Chavda
Lectures on Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras
Alexander Kleshchev
Kac-Moody Groups, Their Flag Varieties and Representation Theory
Shrawan Kumar
Inverse Eigenvalue Problems: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Moody T. Chu & Gene H. Golub
A Biologist's Guide to Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and ...
Sarah P. Otto & Troy Day
Logic From Kant to Russell: Laying the Foundations for Analytic ...
Sandra Lapointe
Continued Fractions: Analytic Theory and Applications
William B. Jones & W. J. Thron
A Course in Mathematical Physics 1 and 2: Classical Dynamical ...
Walter Thirring
Basic Language of Mathematics
Juan Jorge Schäffer
Basic Representation Theory of Algebras
Ibrahim Assem & Flávio U. Coelho
An Introduction to the Language of Category Theory
Steven Roman
An Introduction to the Language of Mathematics
Frédéric Mynard
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: with MapleTM
Jonathan M. Borwein & Matthew P. Skerritt
A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics
Daniel Rosenthal & David Rosenthal & Peter Rosenthal
The Student's Introduction to MATHEMATICA ®: A Handbook for ...
Bruce F. Torrence & Eve A. Torrence
Number Theory: An Introduction to Mathematics: Part A
W. A. Coppel
An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Donald Barnes & J. M. Mack
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Merle C. Potter & Jack L. Lessing & Edward F. Aboufadel
Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students: The Essential ...
Brent J. Lewis & E. Nihan Onder & Andrew A. Prudil
Advanced Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow 2: Build ...
Ashish Bansal
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Science Students
G. Stephenson & P. M. Radmore