Interlanguage Pragmatic Development: The Study Abroad Context
Gila Schauer
Verteilungen Als Grundlage Des Quantitativen Risikomanagements
Uwe Wehrspohn & Dietmar Ernst
essentials (1)
Philosophy: who needs it
Ayn Rand
The First Global Revolution
Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider
Actualize OS 10 Week Training
Kenneth E. Wilber
Language in the Context of Use: Discourse and Cognitive Approaches ...
Andrea Tyler & Yiyoung Kim & Mari Takada
Linguistic Relativity: Evidence Across Languages and Cognitive ...
Caleb Everett
Loanwords in the World's Languages: A Comparative Handbook
Martin Haspelmath & Uri Tadmor
Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape
D. Gorter & H. F. Marten & L. van Mensel
Modality and Ellipsis: Diachronic and Synchronic Evidence
Remus Gergel
Jeannette Littlemore
Politeness and Culture in Second Language Acquisition
S. Song
Recursion and Human Language
Harry van Der Hulst
Register, Genre, and Style
Douglas Biber & Susan Conrad
Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics (1)
Rhetoric and Stylistics
Ulla Fix & Andreas Gardt & Joachim Knape
World War I and Propaganda
Troy R. E. Paddock
Words That Change Minds: Mastering the Language of Influence
Shelle Rose Charvet
Variation, Selection, Development: Probing the Evolutionary ...
Regine Eckardt & Gerhard Jäger & Tonjes Veenstra
The Silent Language
Edward Twitchell Hall
New Media Language
Jean Aitchison & Diana Lewis
Speech and Theology: Language and the Logic of Incarnation
James K. A. Smith
Speech Acts Across Cultures: Challenges to Communication in ...
Susan M. Gass & Joyce Neu
Encyclopedia of Political Communication
Lynda Lee Kaid & Christina Holtz-Bacha
Kritik der Öffentlichen Meinung
Ferdinant Tönnies
Open Sky
Paul Virilio