Pluralists [Anaxagoras And Empedocles] (Article)
Selenium With Java – a Beginner’s Guide: Web Browser Automation ...
Pallavi Sharma
Israel and South Africa
Design Patterns CD: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Erich Gamma & Richard Helm & Ralph Johnson & John Vlissides
Tackling TypeScript
Axel Rauschmayer
Wordsworth, Commodification, and Social Concern: The Poetics ...
David Simpson
Coleridge's Imagination: Essays in Memory of Pete Laver
Pete Laver & Richard Gravil & Lucy Newlyn & Nicholas Roe
Coleridge's Notebooks: A Selection
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
William Blake: The Critical Heritage
G. E. Bentley, Jr.
William Blake in the Desolate Market
G. E. Bentley Jr
Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary
Alexander Schmidt
Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue
Francis Grose
Shakespeare: The Biography
Peter Ackroyd
C.S. Lewis for the Third Millennium: Six Essays on the Abolition ...
Peter J. Kreeft
The Chronicles of Narnia
C. S. Lewis