Iran: Time for a New Approach : Report of an Independent Task ...
Zbigniew Brzezinski & Robert Michael Gates
Mathematical Analysis and Its Inherent Nature
Hossein Hosseini Giv
The Scratch of a Pen: 1763 and the Transformation of North America
Colin G. Calloway
Domination without Dominance
Gonzalo Lamana & Walter D. Mignolo & Irene Silverblatt & Sonia Saldívar-Hull
Latin America Otherwise (1)
Heuristik im Mathematikunterri[..] Bedeutung des Problemlösens ...
Daniela Stiller & Katharina Krichel & Wolfgang Schwarz
Exit Plan: The Writings of Mass Shooters
Brian Whitney & Seung Cho & Dylann Roof & John Hinckley, Jr. & Adam Lanza & Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold & George Sodini & Jiverly Wong & Elliot Rodger & Marc Lepine