Quiltmaker - September-October 2023
The Complete Guide to Knots and Knot Tying
Geoffrey Budworth
Attention is All you Need - Paper
Ashish Vaswani & Noam Shazeer & Niki Parmar & Jakob Uszkoreit & Llion Jones & Aidan N. Gomez & Łukasz Kaiser & Illia Polosukhin
Encyclopedia of Oceania (3 Volume Set)
Cory T. Meadows
Community and Ideology: An Essay in Applied Social Philosophy
Raymond Plant
Routledge Revival (1)
Think on My Words: Exploring Shakespeare's Language
David Crystal
Shakespeare on the Record: Researching an Early Modern Life
Hannah Leah Crummé
The Book to Come
Maurice Blanchot & Charlotte Mandell
The Arden Dictionary of Shakespeare Quotations
Jane Armstrong
Blood Relations: Christian and Jew in the Merchant of Venice
Janet Adelman
Shakespeare: The Biography
Peter Ackroyd