Phonology and morphology of the Germanic languages
Wolfgang Kehrein & Richard Wiese
Linguistische Arbeiten (386)
D3.Js by Example
Michael Heydt
The Neurophysiology of e-Learning -Designing the Mind-Brain-Body-O[..] ...
Mihnea Moldoveanu
Marine and Coastal Law: Cases and Materials
Dennis W. Nixon
The History of Linguistics in Europe: From Plato to 1600
Vivien Law
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate—Disco[..] ...
Peter Wohlleben
The Secret Wisdom of Nature
The Secret Network of Nature: The Delicate Balance of All Living ...
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate ...
Modeling Forest Trees and Stands
Harold E. Burkhart & Margarida Tomé