Burnin' Down the House: Home in African American Literature
Valerie Sweeney Prince
Theology and the Philosophy of Science
Wolfhart Pannenberg
Analytic Philosophy and History of Philosophy
Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers
Python Architecture Patterns
Jaime Buelta
Once Upon A Dystopia: An Anthology of Twisted Fairy Tales and ...
Heather Carson & Audrey Stevens & Jared Chapman & K. R. S. McEntire & Kathryn Jacques & Sherri Woosley & Harry Carpenter & Ginny Young & Mikhaeyla Kopievsky & J. Hicks
Cornerstone of Liberty: Property Rights in 21st Century America
Timothy Sandefur & Christina Sandefur
The Private Production of Defense
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
The Economics and Ethics of Private Property: Studies in Political ...
Owned: Property, Privacy, and the New Digital Serfdom
Joshua A. T. Fairfield
The Implicit Mind: Cognitive Architecture, the Self, and Ethics
Michael Brownstein & Michael S. Brownstein