The Proactive Professional: How to Stop Playing Catch Up and ...
Chrissy Scivicque
The Objectivist1966-1971 (Volumes 5-10)
Ayn Rand
Popper's Philosophy of Science - Overview
Ralph E. Kenyon Jr.
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics
Carles Boix & Susan Carol Stokes
Frequency Effects in Language Representation
Stefan Th. Gries & Dagmar Divjak
Natural Language Processing for the Semantic Web
Diana Maynard & Kalina Bontcheva
Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, ...
Viktor Mayer-Schonberger & Kenneth Cukier
African Philosophy and Thought Systems: A Search for a Culture ...
Mawere, Munyaradzi & Mubaya, Tapuwa R.
Philosophy of Physics: Space and Time
Tim Maudlin
John Keats: The Critical Heritage
G. M. Matthews
Corpus Stylistics in Heart of Darkness and Its Italian Translations
Lorenzo Mastropierro
Deverbal Adjectives at the Interface: A Crosslinguistic Investigation ...
Maria Isabel Oltra Massuet
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
Robert C. Martin & Micah Martin
Windswept House: A Novel
Malachi Martin
George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozois & Gillian Flynn & Neil Gaiman & Patrick Rothfuss
Python in a Nutshell
Alex Martelli & Anna Ravenscroft & Steve Holden
DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline
Texe Marrs
A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research: Volume I: ...
Pierre Marquis & Odile Papini & Henri Prade
Leadership Is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say and ...
L. David Marquet
Philosophical Foundations of Language in the Law
Andrei Marmor & Scott Soames
Coordination of Complex Sociotechnical Systems: Self-Organisation ...
Stefano Mariani
Pragmatism's Advantage: American and European Philosophy at ...
Joseph Margolis
Useful Dictionary of Verbs With Prepositions
Martin H. Manser
Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Practice in the Seventeenth ...
Paolo Mancosu
Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Analytic and Numerical ...
Pammy Manchanda & René Pierre Lozi & Abul Hasan Siddiqi