Surrounding Free Will: Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience
Alfred R. Mele
Cosmology and Eschatology in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism
Adela Yarbro Collins
Fallacies and Judgments of Reasonableness: Empirical Research ...
Frans H. van Eemeren & Bart Garssen & Bert Meuffels
Testing Java Microservices
Alex Soto Bueno & Jason Porter & Andy Gumbrecht
Never Say Whatever
Richard A. Moran
Humanities Computing
Willard McCarty
Nietzsche and the Spirit of Tragedy
Keith M. May
John Keats: The Critical Heritage
G. M. Matthews
A Companion to the Works of Friedrich Schiller
Steven D. Martinson
The Cambridge Companion to the Fin De Siècle
Gail Marshall
Leadership Is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say and ...
L. David Marquet
The Cryptogram
David Mamet
Three Uses of the Knife: On the Nature and Purpose of Drama
The Postmodern
Simon Malpas
Le Morte D'Arthur
Thomas Malory
Reading William Blake
Saree Makdisi
Concordance to the Letters of Emily Dickinson
Cynthia J. MacKenzie & Penny Gilbert
The Hammer of Witches: A Complete Translation of the Malleus ...
Christopher S. Mackay
Secrecy and Community in 21st-Century Fiction
María J. López & Pilar Villar-Argáiz
Das Weltall
Lukrez & Ernst Wüst & Max Seydel
A Dictionary of Postmodernism
Niall Lucy
Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds: ...
Georg Luck
The Overcoming of History in War and Peace
Jeff Love
Judith Butler: From Norms to Politics
Moya Lloyd
The Lions' Den: Zionism and the Left From Hannah Arendt to Noam ...
Susie Linfield