The Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ
Bernard J. F. Lonergan & Frederick E. Crowe & Robert M. Doran
Visual and Other Pleasures
Laura Mulvey
Volume 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East
Carl Gustav Jung
Quining Qualia (Chapter 17)
Daniel Clement Dennett
Computational Lexical Semantics
Patrick Saint-Dizier & Evelyn Viegas
Knowledge of God
Alvin Plantinga & Michael Tooley
Christian Philosophy at the End of the 20th Century - Essay
Alvin Plantinga
Whitehead's Organic Philosophy of Science
Ann L. Plamondon
Hume's Philosophy of the Self
A. E. Pitson
The Attack of the Blob: Hannah Arendt's Concept of the Social
Hanna Fenichel Pitkin
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values
Robert M. Pirsig
Hegel's Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life
Robert B. Pippin
Philosophy of Science and History of Science - A Troubling Interaction ...
Cassandra Pinnick & George Gale
Language, Cognition, and Human Nature
Steven Pinker
German Philosophy 1760-1860: The Legacy of Idealism
Terry Pinkard
How to Live a Good Life: A Guide to Choosing Your Personal Philosophy
Massimo Pigliucci & Skye Cleary & Daniel Kaufman
Philosophy of Pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem
Massimo Pigliucci & Maarten Boudry
How to Be a Stoic
Massimo Pigliucci
The Uses of the Past From Heidegger to Rorty
Robert Piercey
A Passion for Mathematics: Numbers, Puzzles, Madness, Religion, ...
Clifford A. Pickover
Contemplation and Philosophy: Scholastic and Mystical Modes ...
Roberto Hofmeister Pich & Andreas Speer
Of Minds and Language: A Dialogue with Noam Chomsky in the Basque ...
Ed: Massimo Piattelli & Noam Chomsky
The Psychology of the Child
Jean Piaget & Barbel Inhelder
Epistemology and Psychology of Functions
Jean Piaget & Jean-Blaise Grize & Alina Szeminska & Vinh Bang
Synthese Library (83)
The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy
Cambridge Companion To Philosophy