The Philosophical Works of John Locke
John Locke & James Augustus St John
Old Man's War
John Scalzi
Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind
Julia Annas
2,000 Years of Christ's Power Vol. 3: Renaissance and Reformation
Nick R. Needham
Bounce Back: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Resilience
Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
A Virtue Epistemology: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, ...
Ernest Sosa & Professor Of Philosophy Ernest Sosa & Oxford University Press
Epistemology: An Anthology
Ernest Sosa & Jaekwon Kim & Jeremy Fantl & Matthew McGrath
Knowledge in Perspective Selected Essays in Epistemology
Ernest Sosa
Knowing Full Well
Serious Philosophy and Freedom of Spirit - Paper
Epistemology: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide
Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy (14)
Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Oliver Fürbeth
Metaphysics without Truth: On the Importance of Consistency ...
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
Vagueness and Contradiction
Roy A. Sorensen
Pseudo-Problems: How Analytic Philosophy Gets Done
A Brief History of the Paradox:Philosophy and the Labyrinths ...
Roy Sorensen
Seeing Dark Things: The Philosophy of Shadows
Analytic Philosophy and History of Philosophy
Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers
The Philosophy of the Commentators, 200-600 AD: Psychology (with ...
Richard Sorabji
The Philosophy of the Commentators, 200-600 AD: Physics
Why Honor Matters
Tamler Sommers
The Big Questions: A Short Introduction to Philosophy
Robert C. Solomon & Kathleen M. Higgins
Thinking About Feeling: Contemporary Philosophers on Emotions
Robert C. Solomon