Decadence in the Late Novels of Henry James
Anna Kventsel
El hombre y sus símbolos
C. G. Jung
Nachhaltigkeit im Projektmanagement: Vorteile und Implementierungsa[..]
Ramona Wolfgang
Practical Reinforcement Learning
Engr. S. M. Farrukh Akhtar
Mysterium Magnum: Volume One
Jacob Boehme & John Sparrow
World War I and Propaganda
Troy R. E. Paddock
Identity in (Inter)action: Introducing Multimodal (Inter)action ...
Sigrid Norris
Rethinking the Communicative Turn: Adorno, Habermas, and the ...
Martin Morris
Amanda Montell
Indo-European Linguistics
Michael Meier-Brügger & Karl-Heinz Meier-Braun & Matthias Fritz & Manfred Mayrhofer
Leadership Is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say and ...
L. David Marquet
Jeannette Littlemore
Encyclopedia of Communication Theory
Stephen W. Littlejohn & Karen A. Foss
Encyclopedia of Political Communication
Lynda Lee Kaid & Christina Holtz-Bacha
Recursion and Human Language
Harry van Der Hulst
Interne Kommunikation im Wandel: Theoretische Konzepte und empirische ...
Simone Huck-Sandhu
Language as Social Action: Social Psychology and Language Use
Thomas M. Holtgraves & Thomas Holtgraves
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
Edward S Herman & Noam Chomsky
Loanwords in the World's Languages: A Comparative Handbook
Martin Haspelmath & Uri Tadmor
The Silent Language
Edward Twitchell Hall
Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape
D. Gorter & H. F. Marten & L. van Mensel
Experteninterviews und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: als Instrumente ...
Jochen Gläser & Grit Laudel
Kommunikation von Nachhaltigkeit in Fernsehen und Web 2.0
Caroline Glathe
Modality and Ellipsis: Diachronic and Synchronic Evidence
Remus Gergel