From Modernism to Postmodernism: Concepts and Strategies of ...
Gerhard Hoffmann
Postmodernism and Neoliberalism in Latin America
Martín Hopenhayn
The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the Jus Publicum ...
Carl Schmitt
Constructing the Hindu Temple in the Purāṇic Age - Dissertation
Elisabeth Raddock
Who Is Jesus-- Really?: A Dialogue on God, Man, and Grace
Josh McDowell & Dave Sterrett
Wie Managed-Service-P[..] gelingen: Eine Einführung
Roland Walther & Hans Joachim Hoppe
Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, ...
Joe Weinman
Lean Digitization: Digitale Transformation durch agiles Management
Uwe Weinreich