Vespasian: Das Schwert des Tribuns
Robert Fabbri
Die Vespasian-Reihe (1)
The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book
Andriy Burkov
Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law: Answers to Your Most Frequently ...
Shae Irving & Kathleen Michon & Beth McKenna
Functional Programming in R 4
Thomas Mailund
50 Leadership Quotes to Inspire You
Joseph LaLonde
Supreme Injustice: How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000
Alan M. Dershowitz
My Turn
Doug Henwood
Toward the United Front: Proceedings of the Fourth Congress ...
Communistische Internationale
Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election & Why They'll ...
Mark Crispin Miller
The Revolution
Ron Paul
Elections Without Order: Russia's Challenge to Vladimir Putin
Richard Rose & Neil Munro