The British National Bibliography
Arthur James Wells
The Boundaries of Pure Morphology: Diachronic and Synchronic ...
Silvio Cruschina & Martin Maiden & John Charles Smith
Getting Started with Mathematica®
Martin Erickson
The Adventure of French Philosophy
Alain Badiou
The Unsayable: The Hidden Language of Trauma
Annie G. Rogers
Why Does Patriarchy Persist?
Carol Gilligan & Naomi Snider
Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the ...
Miriam Grossman
A Cultural History of Pregnancy: Pregnancy, Medicine and Culture, ...
Clare Hanson
Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook
April Harper & Caroline Proctor
Gender and Genre: Essays on David Mamet
C. Hudgins & Leslie Kane
Language, Gender, and Community in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction: ...
Mary Jane Hurst
Judith Butler: Sexual Politics, Social Change and the Power ...
Gill Jagger
She: Understanding Feminine Psychology
Robert A. Johnson
Nachhaltigkeit anders denken: Veränderungspoten[..] durch Geschlechterpersp[..]
Christine Katz & Sebastian Heilmann & Anja Thiem & Katharina Moths & Lea M. Koch & Sabine Hofmeister
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man
Sam Keen
Judith Butler: Live Theory
Vicki Kirby
Saints' Lives and the Rhetoric of Gender: Male and Female in ...
John Kitchen
Figuring the Population Bomb
Carole R. McCann
Feminist Technosciences (1)
The Epistemology of Resistance: Gender and Racial Oppression, ...
José Medina
The Subjection of Women - The Foundations of Liberal Feminism
John Stuart Mill & Susan Hekman
Kentauron Dual Language Easy Reader (1)
Corpus II: Writings on Sexuality
Jean-Luc Nancy
Gendering the Recession: Media and Culture in an Age of Austerity
Diane Negra & Yvonne Tasker
Hunting Girls: Sexual Violence From the Hunger Games to Campus ...
Kelly Oliver
Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance: Italy, France, and ...
Diana Maury Robin & Anne R. Larsen & Carole Levin
From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto on the Freedom of ...
Martine Rothblatt