45 Years in Wall Street (1949) - New Stock Trend Detector (1936)
W. D. Gann
Privacy-Preserving in Edge Computing
Longxiang Gao & Tom H. Luan & Bruce Gu & Youyang Qu & Yong Xiang
The Dark Side of Podemos?: Carl Schmitt and Contemporary Progressive ...
Patrick Baert & Josh Booth
George Boole: Selected Manuscripts on Logic and Its Philosophy
Ivor Grattan-Guinness & Gerard Bornet
Essays in Understanding: 1930-1954
Hannah Arendt & Jerome Kohn
Hands-On TypeScript for C# and .NET Core Developers
Francesco Abbruzzese
Flask Framework Cookbook
Shalabh Aggarwal
Foundation Dynamic Web Pages with Python
David Ashley
Learning React - Functional Web Development with React and Flux ...
Alex Banks & Eve Porcello
AR and VR Using the WebXR API
Rakesh Baruah
TypeScript in 50 Lessons
Stefan Baumgartner
Beginning React and Firebase
Nabendu Biswas
React.js Succinctly
Samer Buna
Blog, Inc.
Joy Deangdeelert Cho
Bootstrapping Microservices With Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform
Ashley Davis
How to Start a Blog With WordPress: Beginner's Guide to Make ...
Ray Delvecchio
Learn Three.js - Fourth Edition
Jos Dirksen
Progressive Web Apps With React
Scott Domes
Ian Talks Algos & Data Structures A-Z
Ian Eress
WebDevAtoZ (2)
Beginning JavaScript
Russ Ferguson & Christian Heilmann
Beginning Django CMS
Nigel George
Mastering Python
Rick van Hattem
TypeScript: Modern JavaScript Development
Remo H. Jansen & Vilic Vane & Ivo Gabe de Wolff
Ontologies with Python
Lamy Jean-Baptiste
Selenium Design Patterns and Best Practices
Dima Kovalenko