A Dictionary of Critical Theory
Ian Buchanan
Philosophy After Postmodernism: Civilized Values and the Scope ...
Paul Crowther
Information Retrieval in Biomedicine: Natural Language Processing ...
Violaine Prince
The Shield of Silence
Lauren Stiller Rikleen
Tom Thomson: Life & Work
David P. Silcox
Data Visualization Guide: Clear Introduction to Data Mining, ...
Alex Campbell
Objective-C Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Matthew Campbell
Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for Developers
Oswald Campesato
Data Cleaning: Pocket Primer
Natural Language Processing Fundamentals for Developers
Linux Shell Programming Pocket Primer
Gpt-4 for Developers
Python 3 Using Chatgpt / Gpt-4
Python 3 Data Visualization Using ChatGPT / GPT-4
MLI Generative AI Series (4)
Python for TensorFlow Pocket Primer
Pocket Primer (1)
DevOps and Containers Security: Security and Monitoring in Docker ...
Jose Manuel Ortega Candel
Implementing DevSecOps With Docker and Kubernetes: An Experiential ...
José Manuel Ortega Candel
Data Structures & Algorithms in Python
John Canning & Alan Broder & Robert Lafore
WebGL Beginner's Guide
Diego Cantor
Methods for Mining and Summarizing Text Conversations
Giuseppe Carenini & Raymond Ng & Gabriel Murray
Spring Microservices in Action
John Carnell
Spring Microservices in Action, Second Edition
John Carnell & Illary Huaylupo Sánchez
Managing Cloud Native Data on Kubernetes: Architecting Cloud ...
Jeff Carpenter & Patrick McFadin
Concept Data Analysis: Theory and Applications
Claudio Carpineto & Giovanni Romano