For the Love of Language: An Introduction to Linguistics
Kate Burridge & Tonya N. Stebbins
Speed Mathematics
Bill Handley
The Eye of Spirit: An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly ...
Kenneth E. Wilber
The Handbook of Language and Globalization
Nikolas Coupland
Complete Works of Jules Verne (Illustrated)
Jules Verne
Financial Theory with Python
Yves Hilpisch
Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing: 8th International ...
Anssi Yli-Jyrä & Andras Kornai & Jacques Sakarovitch & Bruce Watson
Flask Blueprints
Joel Perras
Flask by Example
Gareth Dwyer
Flask Framework Cookbook
Shalabh Aggarwal
Foundations of Libvirt Development
W. David Ashley
Foundations of PyGTK Development
W. David Ashley & Andrew Krause
Foundations of Python Network Programming
Brandon Rhodes & John Goerzen
Foundations of Python Network Programming: The Comprehensive ...
John Goerzen & Tim Bower & Brandon Rhodes
Functional Programming in R 4
Thomas Mailund
Functional Python Programming
Steven F. Lott
Get Programming
Ana Bell
Getting Started with Google BERT
Sudarshan Ravichandiran
Getting Started With Natural Language Processing
Ekaterina Kochmar
Goal-Directed Proof Theory
Dov M. Gabbay & N. Olivetti
Guide to Assembly Language: A Concise Introduction
James T. Streib
Hands on Google Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner
Navin Sabharwal & Shakuntala Gupta Edward
Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Python
Basant Agarwal & Benjamin Baka
Hands-On Data Visualization With Bokeh
Kevin Jolly
Hands-On Docker for Microservices With Python
Jaime Buelta