Secrets of Daniel: Wisdom and Dreams of a Jewish Prince in Exile
Jacques Doukhan
An Introduction to the Analysis of Paths on a Riemannian Manifold
Daniel W. Stroock
Reading Seneca: Stoic Philosophy at Rome
Brad Inwood
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge ...
Robert Audi
Kant and the New Philosophy of Religion
Chris L. Firestone & Stephen Palmquist
Applied Fuzzy Arithmetic: An Introduction with Engineering Applications
Michael Hanss
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for EDGE Computing
Rajiv Pandey & Sunil Kumar Khatri & Neeraj Kumar Singh & Parul Verma
Computational Modeling and Data Analysis in COVID-19 Research
Chhabi Rani Panigrahi & Bibudhendu Pati & Mamata Rath & Rajkumar Buyya
The Fusion of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and ...
Patrick Siarry & M. A. Jabbar & Rajanikanth Aluvalu & Ajith Abraham & Ana Madureira
Pattern Theory: From Representation to Inference
Ulf Grenander & Michael I. Miller
The Realization of Star Trek Technologies: The Science, Not ...
Mark E. Lasbury
We Have the Technology: How Biohackers, Foodies, Physicians, ...
Kara Platoni
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.