Mastering Unity: A Beginner's Guide
Sufyan Bin Uzayr
Programming the Internet of Things: An Introduction to Building ...
Andy King
Epistemology: A Guide
John Turri
13 Reasons Why
Jay Asher
Building and Delivering Microservices on AWS: Master Software ...
Amar Deep Singh
Hands-On Web Scraping With Python
Anish Chapagain
Head First Data Analysis
Michael Milton
Head First (1)
Hierarchical Feature Selection for Knowledge Discovery
Cen Wan
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing (1)
A History of Data Visualization and Graphic Communication
Michael Friendly & Howard Wainer
IBM Watson Solutions for Machine Learning: Achieving Successful ...
Arindam Ganguly
Idea Makers
Stephen Wolfram
Personal Perspectives on the Lives & Ideas of Some Notable People (1)
Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica®
Christian Jacob
The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence (1)
Instinctive Computing
Yang Cai
Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
Krassimir T. Atanassov
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (388)
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic
James K. Peckol
IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook
Cyrille Rossant
Jenkins 2.x Continuous Integration Cookbook - Third Edition
Mitesh Soni & Alan Mark Berg
Jupyter for Data Science
Dan Toomey
Kubernetes Security and Observability
Brendan Creane & Amit Gupta
Language, Music and Computing
Polina Eismont & Olga Mitrenina & Asya Pereltsvaig
Communications in Computer and Information Science (943)
Learn AI with Python: Explore Machine Learning and Deep Learning ...
Gaurav Leekha
Learn Quantum Computing with Python and Q#
Sarah C. Kaiser & Christopher Grenade
Learning D3.Js Mapping
Thomas Newton & Oscar Villarreal
Machine Learning Cookbook with Python: Create ML and Data Analytics ...
Rehan Guha
Machine Learning for Text
Charu C. Aggarwal