Von den Wurzeln des Bewusstseins: Studien über den Archetypus
Carl Gustav Jung
Pragmatics in Language Teaching
Gabriele Kasper & Kenneth R. Rose
The Joy of JavaScript
Luis Atencio
The Mathematics of Life
Ian Nicholas Stewart
A Concise Introduction to the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa
Jasper Hopkins
Chill, a Reassessment of Global Warming Theory: Does Climate ...
Peter Taylor
Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Second Edition
S. George Philander
Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn't Want You ...
Gregory Wrightstone
State of Fear
Michael Crichton
Storms of My Grandchildren
James Hansen
Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and ...
Steven E. Koonin