The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism
Steven Connor
The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World's ...
Will Durant
Gnosis und Manichäismus: Forschungen und Studien zu Texten von ...
Christoph Markschies & Alexander Böhlig
Ayn Rand and Contemporary Business Ethics
Stephen R. C. Hicks
Philosophy of Cybersecurity
Lukasz Olejnik
Warren W. Wiersbe
The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society
Norbert Wiener
Cybernetics: Second Edition: Or the Control and Communication ...
Master of the Mountain: Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves
Henry Wiencek
Software Requirements Essentials: Core Practices for Successful ...
Karl Wiegers & Candase Hokanson
Der Weg Aus Der Digitalisierungsf[..]
Bodo Wiegand
Text Mining for Qualitative Data Analysis in the Social Sciences: ...
Gregor Wiedemann
The National Element in Hermann Cohen's Philosophy and Religion
Hartwig Wiedebach
Inversive Geometry (following Harold S.M. Coxeter)
Wojciech Wieczorek
Listening In: The Secret White House Recordings of John F. Kennedy
Ted Widmer
Project and Program Risk Management A Guide to Managing Project ...
R. Max Wideman
The Fatherhood of God From Origen to Athanasius
Peter Widdicombe
Modern French Philosophy - From Existentialism to Postmodernism
Robert Wicks
Hadley Wickham
Use R! (1)
The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages 400-1000
Chris Wickham
Penguin History of Europe (2)
The Inheritance of Rome
Introduction - Feminism and Postmodernism - Or, The Way We Live ...
Jennifer Wicke & Margaret Ferguson
The Book of Equanimity: Illuminating Classic Zen Koans
Gerry Shishin Wick
Virtual Reality and the Built Environment
Jennifer Whyte & Dragana Nikolić
Crimes Against Logic
Jamie Whyte