Re-Envisioning Sovereignty
Trudy Jacobsen
Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain ...
Patricia T. O'Conner
The Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Science
Juha Saatsi & Steven French
The Evolving Self
Robert Kegan
The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism
Steven Connor
Delphi Complete Works of Mary Wollstonecraft (Illustrated)
Mary Wollstonecraft & Delphi Classics
Delphi Series Seven (9)
The Truth About Heroin
Philip Wolny
John Locke and the Ethics of Belief
Nicholas Wolterstorff
Thomas Reid and the Story of Epistemology
Christian Philosophy
Andrew Wommack
Eva Wong
Introduction to Chinese Natural Language Processing
Kam-Fai Wong & Wenjie Li & Ruifeng Xu & Zheng-Sheng Zhang
API-Driven DevOps: Strategies for Continuous Deployment
Chris Wood & Vassili van der Mersch & Kristopher Sandoval
Formulaic Language and Second Language Speech Fluency: Background, ...
David Wood
Fundamentals of Formulaic Language: An Introduction
Tackle What's Next: Own Your Story, Stack Wins, and Achieve ...
Eric Wood
The Merovingian Kingdoms, 450-751
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Franks and Alamanni in the Merovingian Period: An Ethnographic ...
Ancient Astronomy, Modern Science, and Sacred Cosmology
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OpenShift for Developers: A Guide for Impatient Beginners
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Python and Matplotlib Essentials for Scientists and Engineers
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Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order
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Epistemology: Becoming Intellectually Virtuous
W. Jay Wood
Greek Writing From Knossos to Homer: A Linguistic Interpretation ...
Roger D. Woodard
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages