The Bilingual Mind: Thinking, Feeling and Speaking in Two Languages
Rafael Art Javier
The Teaching Company - Philosophy of Mind
John Rogers Searle
Dying and Creating: A Search for Meaning
Rosemary Gordon
Teaching Philosophy: A Guide
Steven M. Cahn
An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching
John Corbett
Introduction to 64 Bit Windows Assembly Language Programming: ...
Ray Seyfarth
Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics
Oswald Szemerényi
Introduction to Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Computation
Shyamalendu Kandar
Introduction to Psycholinguistics: Understanding Language Science
Matthew J. Traxler
Introduction to 64 Bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for ...
Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation
John Martin
Introduction to Text Linguistics
Robert Alain de Beaugrande & Wolfgang Ulrich Dressler
Introduction to Formal Philosophy
Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks
Introduction to Mathematical Optimization: From Linear Programming ...
Xin-She Yang
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy
Bryan W. van Norden & Bryan William van Norden
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Robert V. Hogg & Joseph W. McKean & Allen T. Craig
Classical Indian Philosophy: A Reader
Deepak Sarma
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
Sandrine Zufferey
An Introduction to the Nature and Functions of Language: Second ...
Howard Jackson & Peter Stockwell
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Brian Davies
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy: Hindu and Buddhist Ideas ...
Christopher Bartley
Stuart C. Poole & 刘润淸
An Introduction to Forensic Linguistics: Language in Evidence
Malcolm Coulthard & Alison Johnson
An Introduction to Language Policy: Theory and Method
Thomas Ricento
An Introduction to Ramsey Theory
Matthew Katz,Jan Reimann