Nonmonotonic Logic: Context-Dependent Reasoning
V. Wiktor Marek & Miroslaw Truszczynski
On Growth and Form: The Complete Revised Edition
D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson
Adventures in Human Being
Gavin Francis
Towards a cognitive linguistic approach to language comprehension
G.S. McGlashan
Tryptamine Palace
James Oroc
The Jester and the Sages: Mark Twain in Conversation With Nietzsche, ...
Forrest G. Robinson & Gabriel Noah Brahm & Catherine Carlstroem
Politics and History in William Golding: The World Turned Upside ...
Paul Crawford
The History of the Race Idea: From Ray to Carus
Eric Voegelin
The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin: Modernity Without Restraint
Hitler and the Germans