How Bodies Come To Matter [An Interview with Judith Butler]
Irene Costera Meijer & Baukje Prins
Philosophy of Existence
Karl Jaspers
Mark Twain: Gesammelte Werke: Andhofs große Literaturbibliothek
Mark Twain
Formulaic Language and the Lexicon
Alison Wray
Responses to Oliver Stone's Alexander: Film, History, and Cultural ...
Oliver Stone & Paul Cartledge & Fiona Rose Greenland
The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, ...
Bruce Manning Metzger & Bart D. Ehrman
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and ...
Bart D. Ehrman
Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman ...
Joseph R. Dodson & David E. Briones