ALL MY LIFE I have been looking for a Man who has discovered the universal law which lies back of the Sermon on the Mount, and who consciously uses that law with full awareness of its meaning and full obedience to its principles.Tens of thousands preach it or write about it, yet have little understanding of its meaning. I doubt if there are many men in the whole world who actually know that cosmic basis sufficiently to live it knowingly.If I could find such a man, I thought to myself, he would be so cosmically aware of the Light of God that he would know the spiritual Cause of all Effect. Such a one would be a super-genius, for the hidden secrets of the universe would be his. He would see the universe as a whole and know his relationship to it and to God. All knowledge of Cause would be his, and the power to use it.
ALL MY LIFE I have been looking for a Man who has discovered the universal law which lies back of the Sermon on the Mount, and who consciously uses that law with full awareness of its meaning and full obedience to its principles.Tens of thousands preach it or write about it, yet have little understanding of its meaning. I doubt if there are many men in the whole world who actually know that cosmic basis sufficiently to live it knowingly.If I could find such a man, I thought to myself, he would be so cosmically aware of the Light of God that he would know the spiritual Cause of all Effect. Such a one would be a super-genius, for the hidden secrets of the universe would be his. He would see the universe as a whole and know his relationship to it and to God. All knowledge of Cause would be his, and the power to use it.