Ancient Wisdom and Modern Misconceptions: A Critique of Contemporary Scientism

Wolfgang Smith

Language: English

Publisher: Angelico Press

Published: Jun 28, 2013


For many years, Wolfgang Smith has been putting forward an expansive vision of the traditional Christian cosmos alongside an incisive critique of the truncated perspective of contemporary scientism. In Ancient Wisdom and Modern Misconceptions he shows how the physical sciences, freed from prevailing misconceptions, actually corroborate the traditional wisdom long thought to be dead. Basing himself in part upon epistemological considerations first enunciated by Sir Arthur Eddington, he shows that the so-called physical universe proves finally to be constructed by the strategies of the experimental physicist himself. Following this he delves into the foundations of astrophysics and planetary astronomy, and then proceeds to elucidate the concepts of Intelligent Design and vertical causation. He concludes by showing how Anthropic Coincidence should be rightly interpreted.

With equal mastery Smith presents the serious reader with glimpses of the perennial wisdom eclipsed since the Enlightenment, and shows that traditional cosmology, so far from being disqualified, actually provides the keys to an understanding of science itself. No one entering the fray of current debates regarding "science and religion" can afford to neglect the immense implications of this work by Wolfgang Smith.



"On the most essential points--burning questions concerned with biblical cosmology, heliocentrism, the nature of space and matter, the concept of a true causality, and other such fundamental topics--Wolfgang Smith shows how the conclusions of contemporary science cease to be incompatible with the affirmations of traditional cosmology. It would be hard to exaggerate the importance of such a work."--Jean Borella, author of The Secret of the Christian Way

"Wolfgang Smith is as important a thinker as our times boast." --Huston Smith, author of The World's Religions

"Here is that rare person who is equally at home with Eckhart and Einstein, Heraclitus and Heisenberg!" --Harry Oldmeadow, author of Touchstones of the Spirit: Essays on Religion, Tradition & Modernity

About the Author

Wolfgang Smith graduated from Cornell University at age 18 with majors in physics, mathematics, and philosophy. After taking an M.S. in physics from Purdue and a Ph.D. in mathematics from Columbia University, Smith held faculty positions at various universities, including M.I.T. and U.C.L.A. Meanwhile his dominant interest had shifted from the pursuit of science to its critique, a field in which he has become a leading figure.