Helen Efthimiadis-Keith
Jungian hermeneutics individuation interpretive criteria
This paper evaluates Jungian psychoanalytic approaches to Hebrew Bible texts by way
of two readings of the book of Ruth: those of Yehezkel Kluger and Nomi Kluger-Nash. In
so doing, it provides a brief synopsis of Jungian approaches to Hebrew Bible texts and
the process of individuation. It then evaluates the two readings mentioned according to
the author and Ricoeur’s criteria for adequate interpretation. Having done so, it attempts
to draw conclusions on the general (and potential) value of Jungian biblical hermeneu-
tics, particularly as it affects the appraisal of women in the Hebew Bible and the incor-
poration of Jewish tradition and scholarship in Hebrew Bible hermeneutics. Finally, it
endeavours to sketch a way forward.
This paper evaluates Jungian psychoanalytic approaches to Hebrew Bible texts by way
of two readings of the book of Ruth: those of Yehezkel Kluger and Nomi Kluger-Nash. In
so doing, it provides a brief synopsis of Jungian approaches to Hebrew Bible texts and
the process of individuation. It then evaluates the two readings mentioned according to
the author and Ricoeur’s criteria for adequate interpretation. Having done so, it attempts
to draw conclusions on the general (and potential) value of Jungian biblical hermeneu-
tics, particularly as it affects the appraisal of women in the Hebew Bible and the incor-
poration of Jewish tradition and scholarship in Hebrew Bible hermeneutics. Finally, it
endeavours to sketch a way forward.