John J. Collins & John Joseph Collins & Pieter de Villiers & Pieter G. R. Villiers & Adela Yarbro Collins
Biblical Criticism & Interpretation Biblical Studies Body; Mind & Spirit Christian Church Eschatology History Jewish Jewish Studies Judaism Literary Criticism Mysticism New Testament Religion Social Science
The nature and origin of Jewish mysticism is a controversial subject.
This volume explores the subject by examining both the Hebrew and Aramaic tradition (Dead Sea Scrolls, 1 Enoch) and the Greek philosophical tradition (Philo) and also examines the Christian transformation of Jewish mysticism in Paul and Revelation. It provides for a nuanced treatment that differentiates different strands of thought that may be considered mystical. The Hebrew tradition is mythical in nature and concerned with various ways of being in the presence of God. The Greek tradition allows for a greater degree of unification and participation in the divine. The New Testament texts are generally closer to the Greek tradition, although Greek philosophy would have a huge effect on later Christian mysticism.
The book is intended for scholars and advanced students of ancient Judaism and early Christianity.
From the Back Cover
This volume explores the nature and origin of Jewish mysticism by examining both the apocalyptic tradition (Dead Sea Scrolls, 1 Enoch) and the Greek philosophical tradition (Philo), and well as the Christian transformation of Jewish mysticism in Paul and Revelation. It provides a nuanced treatment that differentiates between the various strands of thought that may be considered mystical. The apocalyptic tradition is mythical in nature and concerned with various ways of being in the presence of God. The Greek tradition allows for a greater degree of unification and participation in the divine. The New Testament texts are generally closer to the Greek tradition while Greek philosophy would have a large effect on later Christian mysticism.
About the Author
John Collins , Yale Universität, Pieter de Villiers , Universität des Freistaates, Südafrika, and Adela Yarbro Collins , Yale Universität
John Collins , Yale University, Pieter de Villiers , University of the Free State, S. Africa, and Adela Yarbro Collins , Yale University.