This novel book introduces cellular automata from a rigorous nonlinear dynamics perspective. It supplies the missing link between nonlinear differential and difference equations to discrete symbolic analysis. The book provides a scientifically sound and original analysis, and classifications of the empirical results presented in Wolfram's monumental "New Kind of Science.
" Contents: Threshold of Complexity; Universal Neuron; Predicting the Unpredictable. Key Features A compilation of papers that appeared in the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Contains a highly readable, self-contained introduction Includes hundreds of color illustrations Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in nonlinear dynamics, computer science and complexity theory.
This novel book introduces cellular automata from a rigorous nonlinear dynamics perspective. It supplies the missing link between nonlinear differential and difference equations to discrete symbolic analysis. The book provides a scientifically sound and original analysis, and classifications of the empirical results presented in Wolfram's monumental "New Kind of Science.
" Contents: Threshold of Complexity; Universal Neuron; Predicting the Unpredictable. Key Features A compilation of papers that appeared in the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Contains a highly readable, self-contained introduction Includes hundreds of color illustrations Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in nonlinear dynamics, computer science and complexity theory.