Ch. 1. Isles of Eden. 1. Recap of main results from parts I to VI. 1.1. Local rules and Boolean cubes. 1.2. Threshold of complexity. 1.3. Only 88 local rules are independent. 1.4. Robust characterization of 70 independent local rules. 2. Basin tree diagrams of ten complex Bernoulli shift rules. 2.1. Basin of attraction and basin trees. 2.2. Garden of Eden. 2.3. Isle of Eden. 2.4. Gallery of basin tree diagrams. 3. Global analysis of local rule 90. 3.1. Ru1e 90 has no Isle of Eden. 3.2. Period of Rule 90 grows with L. 3.3. Global state-transition formula for rule 90. 3.4. Periodicity constraints of rule 90. 4. Global analysis of local rules 150 and 105. 4.1. Rules 150 and 105 are composed of Isles of Eden if L is not divisible by 3. 4.2. Global state-transition formula for rules 150 and 105. 4.3. Rules 150 and 105 are globally quasi-equivalent. 5. Concluding remarks -- ch. 2. More Isles of Eden. 1. The beginning of the end. 2. Basin tree diagrams of eight hyper Bernoulli shift rules. 2.1. Highlights from rule 26. 2.2. Highlights from rule 30. 2.3. Highlights from rule 41. 2.4. Highlights from rule 45. 2.5. Highlights from rule 60. 2.6. Highlights from rule 106. 2.7. Highlights from rule 110. 2.8. Highlights from rule 154. 3. Global analysis of local rule 60. 3.1. Rule 60 has no Isles of Eden. 3.2. Period of rule 60 grows with L. 3.3. Global state-transition formula for rule 60. 3.4. Periodicity constraints of rule 60. 4. Global analysis of local rule 154 and 45. 5. Dense Isles-of-Eden property. 5.1. Notations and definitions. 5.2. Four basic lemmas. 5.3. Locating points with multiple preimages. 5.4. Constructing the Isles of Eden digraph. 5.5. The full Isles of Eden digraph. 5.6. Nondegenerate cycles and Isles of Eden. 5.7. Effect of global equivalence transformations on Isles of Eden digraphs. 5.8. Dense Isles of Eden from rule 45 and rule 154. 5.9. Dense Isles of Eden from rule 105 and rule 150. 5.10. Gallery of Isles of Eden digraphs of eight representative local rules. 6. Concluding remarks
Ch. 1. Isles of Eden. 1. Recap of main results from parts I to VI. 1.1. Local rules and Boolean cubes. 1.2. Threshold of complexity. 1.3. Only 88 local rules are independent. 1.4. Robust characterization of 70 independent local rules. 2. Basin tree diagrams of ten complex Bernoulli shift rules. 2.1. Basin of attraction and basin trees. 2.2. Garden of Eden. 2.3. Isle of Eden. 2.4. Gallery of basin tree diagrams. 3. Global analysis of local rule 90. 3.1. Ru1e 90 has no Isle of Eden. 3.2. Period of Rule 90 grows with L. 3.3. Global state-transition formula for rule 90. 3.4. Periodicity constraints of rule 90. 4. Global analysis of local rules 150 and 105. 4.1. Rules 150 and 105 are composed of Isles of Eden if L is not divisible by 3. 4.2. Global state-transition formula for rules 150 and 105. 4.3. Rules 150 and 105 are globally quasi-equivalent. 5. Concluding remarks -- ch. 2. More Isles of Eden. 1. The beginning of the end. 2. Basin tree diagrams of eight hyper Bernoulli shift rules. 2.1. Highlights from rule 26. 2.2. Highlights from rule 30. 2.3. Highlights from rule 41. 2.4. Highlights from rule 45. 2.5. Highlights from rule 60. 2.6. Highlights from rule 106. 2.7. Highlights from rule 110. 2.8. Highlights from rule 154. 3. Global analysis of local rule 60. 3.1. Rule 60 has no Isles of Eden. 3.2. Period of rule 60 grows with L. 3.3. Global state-transition formula for rule 60. 3.4. Periodicity constraints of rule 60. 4. Global analysis of local rule 154 and 45. 5. Dense Isles-of-Eden property. 5.1. Notations and definitions. 5.2. Four basic lemmas. 5.3. Locating points with multiple preimages. 5.4. Constructing the Isles of Eden digraph. 5.5. The full Isles of Eden digraph. 5.6. Nondegenerate cycles and Isles of Eden. 5.7. Effect of global equivalence transformations on Isles of Eden digraphs. 5.8. Dense Isles of Eden from rule 45 and rule 154. 5.9. Dense Isles of Eden from rule 105 and rule 150. 5.10. Gallery of Isles of Eden digraphs of eight representative local rules. 6. Concluding remarks