Express.jsThe Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn Express.js Step by Step - 2020 (2st Edition)by Max BeerbohmWho This Book Is For?Clearly, this book is for programmers who want to create web applications (traditionalwebsites, RESTful APIs, or anything in between) using JavaScript, Node, and Express.
One of the exciting aspects of Node development is that it has attracted a whole newaudience of programmers. The accessibility and flexibility of JavaScript has attractedself-taught programmers from all over the world. At no time in the history of computerscience has programming been so accessible. The number and quality of online resour‐ces for learning to program (and getting help when you get stuck) is truly astonishingand inspiring. So to those new (possibly self-taught) programmers, I welcome you.
Then, of course, there are the programmers like me, who have been around for a while.
Like many programmers of my era, I started off with assembler and BASIC, and wentthrough Pascal, C++, Perl, Java, PHP, Ruby, C, C#, and JavaScript. At university, I wasexposed to more niche languages such as ML, LISP, and PROLOG. Many of these lan‐guages are near and dear to my heart, but in none of these languages do I see so muchpromise as I do in JavaScript. So I am also writing this book for programmers like myself, who have a lot of experience, and perhaps a more philosophical outlook on specifictechnologies.
No experience with Node is necessary, but you should have some experience with Java‐Script. If you're new to programming, I recommend Codecademy. If you're an experi‐enced programmer, I recommend Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts(O'Reilly). The examples in this book can be used with any system that Node works on(which covers Windows, OS X, and Linux). The examples are geared toward command-line (terminal) users, so you should have some familiarity with your system's terminal.
Most important, this book is for programmers who are excited. Excited about the futureof the Internet, and want to be part of it. Excited about learning new things, new tech‐niques, and new ways of looking at web development. If, dear reader, you are not excited, I hope you will be by the time you reach the end of this book
Express.jsThe Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn Express.js Step by Step - 2020 (2st Edition)by Max BeerbohmWho This Book Is For?Clearly, this book is for programmers who want to create web applications (traditionalwebsites, RESTful APIs, or anything in between) using JavaScript, Node, and Express.
One of the exciting aspects of Node development is that it has attracted a whole newaudience of programmers. The accessibility and flexibility of JavaScript has attractedself-taught programmers from all over the world. At no time in the history of computerscience has programming been so accessible. The number and quality of online resour‐ces for learning to program (and getting help when you get stuck) is truly astonishingand inspiring. So to those new (possibly self-taught) programmers, I welcome you.
Then, of course, there are the programmers like me, who have been around for a while.
Like many programmers of my era, I started off with assembler and BASIC, and wentthrough Pascal, C++, Perl, Java, PHP, Ruby, C, C#, and JavaScript. At university, I wasexposed to more niche languages such as ML, LISP, and PROLOG. Many of these lan‐guages are near and dear to my heart, but in none of these languages do I see so muchpromise as I do in JavaScript. So I am also writing this book for programmers like myself, who have a lot of experience, and perhaps a more philosophical outlook on specifictechnologies.
No experience with Node is necessary, but you should have some experience with Java‐Script. If you're new to programming, I recommend Codecademy. If you're an experi‐enced programmer, I recommend Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts(O'Reilly). The examples in this book can be used with any system that Node works on(which covers Windows, OS X, and Linux). The examples are geared toward command-line (terminal) users, so you should have some familiarity with your system's terminal.
Most important, this book is for programmers who are excited. Excited about the futureof the Internet, and want to be part of it. Excited about learning new things, new tech‐niques, and new ways of looking at web development. If, dear reader, you are not excited, I hope you will be by the time you reach the end of this book