The story of the mysterious oriental leader Prester John, who ruled a land teeming with marvels and might come to the aid of Christians in the Levant, held an intense grip on the medieval mind. It has received much scholarly attention, but never before have the sources been collected and coherently presented to readers. This book now brings together a fully-representative set of sources from which we get our knowledge of the legend. These texts, spanning from the Crusades to the Enlightenment, are presented in their original languages and in English translation.
The story of the mysterious oriental leader Prester John, who ruled a land teeming with marvels and might come to the aid of Christians in the Levant, held an intense grip on the medieval mind. It has received much scholarly attention, but never before have the sources been collected and coherently presented to readers. This book now brings together a fully-representative set of sources from which we get our knowledge of the legend. These texts, spanning from the Crusades to the Enlightenment, are presented in their original languages and in English translation.