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Nikola Tesla's Biography, Facts, & Inventions: The Rise and Fall of Nikola Tesla and His Tower: Nikola Tesla Net Worth

Jordan Han

PublishedMar 30, 2021
Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American engineer and physicist who made several breakthroughs regarding the production, transmission, and application of electricity or electric power.In this book we'll tell you everything there is to know about his incredible life: from his childhood in the village of Smiljan to his life as an inventor in America, going through his relationship with Edison, his employer who then became his greatest rival. At the end we'll tell you about his inventions, his patents and his secrets.✓Complete Biography✓The Eccentric Genius✓ Personal life and his works✓ All his Inventions: and their accurate explanation✓ Patents, radios and radiographs✓ The Wardenclyffe Tower✓Patents and Politics✓ Tesla VS Edison✓ 10 things you never knew about Nikola Tesla✓ the secrets of Nikola Tesla✓ The Top Secrets documents of Nikola TeslaAnd much more