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Natural Language Processing in the 1980s: A Bibliography

Gerald Gazdar & Robert Evans & Alex Franz & Karen Osborn

PublishedMar 13, 1988

This book is the first comprehensive bibliography of recent work in the rapidly developing field of natural language processing and computational linguistics. It contains essentially all the relevant 1980s papers to be found in AAAI, ACL, AISB, COLING, ECAI, European ACL, IJCAI, TINLAP and TANLU conference proceedings and in the journals Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, and all the papers published in the journal Computational Linguistics, in addition to many relevant papers from other journals and conference proceedings, along with monographs, texts, and anthologies. Full bibliographic information on more than 1,700 items by round 1,300 different researchers is listed alphabetically by first author. A separate index for second and subsequent authors is also provided to give readers ready access to all the work of a given researcher. In addition, a comprehensive 120 page keyword-in-title index facilitates locating papers on specific topics.