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Origen: Texts. Commentary on Psalms 1-25, Fragment From Preface. Commentary on Lamentations, Selected Fragments. Commentary on Genesis, Fragment From Book 3. Commentary on John, Book 1. Commentary on John, Book 13.3-192. Homily 12 on Jeremiah. Homilies 19 and 20 on Luke. Homily 5 on 1 Samuel. Letter to Gregory. Commentary on John, Book 32.1-140. Commentary on John, Book 32.318-67

Joseph Wilson Trigg

PublishedNov 14, 1998

Origen was the most influential Christian theologian before Augustine, the founder of Biblical study as a serious discipline in the Christian tradition, and a figure with immense influence on the development of Christian spirituality.

This volume presents a comprehensive and accessible insight into Origen's life and writings. An introduction analyzes the principal influences that formed him as a Christian and as a thinker, his emergence as a mature theologian at Alexandria, his work in Caesarea and his controversial legacy. Fresh translations of a representative selection of Origen's writings, including some never previously available in print, show how Origen provided a lasting framework for Christian theology by finding through study of the Bible a coherent understanding of God's saving plan.