The new Eleventh Edition of America's best-selling dictionary merges print, CD-ROM, and online formats to deliver unprecedented accessibility and flexibility at one affordable price. Fully revised print content features a significant number of clear and precise definitions and more than 10,000 new words and meanings. Over 40,000 usage examples, more than any other desk dictionary, provide expert guidance to help solve problems of confused and disputed usage. More than 7,500 phrases and idioms help clarify distinct characteristics of our evolving language.
The new Eleventh Edition of America's best-selling dictionary merges print, CD-ROM, and online formats to deliver unprecedented accessibility and flexibility at one affordable price. Fully revised print content features a significant number of clear and precise definitions and more than 10,000 new words and meanings. Over 40,000 usage examples, more than any other desk dictionary, provide expert guidance to help solve problems of confused and disputed usage. More than 7,500 phrases and idioms help clarify distinct characteristics of our evolving language.