One of the fundamental ideas of mathematical analysis is the notion of a function; we use it to describe and study relationships among variable quantities in a system and transformations of a system.
We have already discussed real functions of one real variable and a few examples of functions of several variables but there are many more examples of functions that the real world, physics, natural and social sciences, and mathematics have to offer:
(a) not only do we associate numbers and points to points, but we associate numbers or vectors to vectors,
(b) in the calculus of variations and in mechanics one associates an energy or action to each curve y(t) connecting two points (a, y(a)) and (b,y(b)): b Lea ~(y) - / 9 F(t, y(t), y' (t))dt t. J a in terms of the so-called Lagrangian F(t, y, p), (c) in the theory of integral equations one maps a function into a new function b /1, d-r / o. J a by means of a kernel K(s, T), (d) in the theory of differential equations one considers transformations of a function x(t) into the new function t t f f( a where f(s, y) is given. 1 in M. Giaquinta, G. Modica, Mathematical Analysis.
Functions of One Variable, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2003, which we shall refer to as [GM1] and in M. G- quinta, G. Modica, Mathematical Analysis. Approximation and Discrete Processes, Birkhs Boston, 2004, which we shall refer to as [GM2].
One of the fundamental ideas of mathematical analysis is the notion of a function; we use it to describe and study relationships among variable quantities in a system and transformations of a system.
We have already discussed real functions of one real variable and a few examples of functions of several variables but there are many more examples of functions that the real world, physics, natural and social sciences, and mathematics have to offer:
(a) not only do we associate numbers and points to points, but we associate numbers or vectors to vectors,
(b) in the calculus of variations and in mechanics one associates an energy or action to each curve y(t) connecting two points (a, y(a)) and (b,y(b)): b Lea ~(y) - / 9 F(t, y(t), y' (t))dt t. J a in terms of the so-called Lagrangian F(t, y, p), (c) in the theory of integral equations one maps a function into a new function b /1, d-r / o. J a by means of a kernel K(s, T), (d) in the theory of differential equations one considers transformations of a function x(t) into the new function t t f f( a where f(s, y) is given. 1 in M. Giaquinta, G. Modica, Mathematical Analysis.
Functions of One Variable, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2003, which we shall refer to as [GM1] and in M. G- quinta, G. Modica, Mathematical Analysis. Approximation and Discrete Processes, Birkhs Boston, 2004, which we shall refer to as [GM2].