The book has active table of contents for readers to access each chapter directly.
Henry George’s analysis and remedy are directly from classical economic theory seeded by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. The giants had already decried the evils of concentrated land ownership, which they called “land monopoly”. George carried classical economics to its logical conclusion, and popularized that conclusion with stunning effect.
Albert Einstein designated George a "beautiful combination of intellectual keenness, artistic forum, and fervent love of justice". As one of the great American economists, Henry George’s economic thoughts are still relevant to American economic life, especially in building and evolving American economic foundation to knowledge based industries.
Many of the problems, such as poverty, inequality and environmental destruction that Henry George describes in the book Social Problems, are still with us today. Henry George’s essential idea to address poverty is the nationalization of land or the taxing of land so highly that the economic rent would go to the community and be used for the public good. His radical solutions may yet solve these intractable problems.
The book is still relevant to us today when American economic system is moving from resource based foundation to knowledge based one. Henry George should be remembered as one of great American economists who laid out the theoretical foundation for the new economic system.
This is a book for readers who are interested in the economic topic of the relationships between economic freedom and property tax.
The book has active table of contents for readers to access each chapter directly.
Henry George’s analysis and remedy are directly from classical economic theory seeded by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. The giants had already decried the evils of concentrated land ownership, which they called “land monopoly”. George carried classical economics to its logical conclusion, and popularized that conclusion with stunning effect.
Albert Einstein designated George a "beautiful combination of intellectual keenness, artistic forum, and fervent love of justice". As one of the great American economists, Henry George’s economic thoughts are still relevant to American economic life, especially in building and evolving American economic foundation to knowledge based industries.
Many of the problems, such as poverty, inequality and environmental destruction that Henry George describes in the book Social Problems, are still with us today. Henry George’s essential idea to address poverty is the nationalization of land or the taxing of land so highly that the economic rent would go to the community and be used for the public good. His radical solutions may yet solve these intractable problems.
The book is still relevant to us today when American economic system is moving from resource based foundation to knowledge based one. Henry George should be remembered as one of great American economists who laid out the theoretical foundation for the new economic system.
This is a book for readers who are interested in the economic topic of the relationships between economic freedom and property tax.