"Merriam-Webster's dictionary and thesaurus combines the meanings, pronunciations, and grammatical information of a dictionary with the synonyms and antonyms of a thesaurus. Dictionary and thesaurus entries are integrated for ease of use. Nearly 60,000 dictionary entries cover the most frequently used words in the language; more then 13,000 thesaurus entries include synonym lists, related words, and antonyms; dictionary and thesaurus entries are combined alphabetically; abundant usage examples clarify core meanings; 3,000 etymologies explain word origins." -back cover.
"Merriam-Webster's dictionary and thesaurus combines the meanings, pronunciations, and grammatical information of a dictionary with the synonyms and antonyms of a thesaurus. Dictionary and thesaurus entries are integrated for ease of use. Nearly 60,000 dictionary entries cover the most frequently used words in the language; more then 13,000 thesaurus entries include synonym lists, related words, and antonyms; dictionary and thesaurus entries are combined alphabetically; abundant usage examples clarify core meanings; 3,000 etymologies explain word origins." -back cover.