Three Philosophical Poets

George Santayana

Language: English

Publisher: Fall River Press


"I am no specialist in the study of Lucretius; I am not a Dante scholar nor a Goethe scholar....My excuse for writing about them, notwithstanding, is merely the human excuse which every new poet has for writing about the spring. They have attracted me; they have moved me to reflection; they have revealed to me certain aspects of nature and of philosophy which I am prompted by mere sincerity to express, if anybody seems interested or willing to listen."

The modesty exhibited in the above disclaimer—from Santayana's preface to Three Philosophical Poets—should be viewed in the context of the author's extraordinary impact as a philosopher and teacher. The Sense of Beauty has claim to being the first major work on aesthetics written in the United States; the multivolume The Life of Reason is arguably the first extended analysis of pragmatism anywhere. Among Santayana's many well-known Harvard students, Wallace Stevens has acknowledged a clear debt to his work.
