Google Visualization API Essentials

Traci L. Ruthkoski

Language: English

Publisher: Packt Publishing

Published: Feb 15, 2013


Make sense of your data: make it visual with the Google Visualization API


  • Wrangle all sorts of data into a visual format, without being an expert programmer.
  • Visualize new or existing spreadsheet data through charts, graphs, and maps.
  • Full of diagrams, core concept explanations, best practice tips, and links to working book examples.

In Detail

There's a lot of data in our world, and visual representations are often the best method of making sense of it all. Yet, it should not take an army of programmers and analysts to create visualizations in order to make data useful. The Google Visualization API is accessible to novice and advanced programmers alike, making data useful to more people.

"Google Visualization API Essentials" will show you how to create interactive data displays with very little code. The API, combined with Google Spreadsheets and Fusion Tables, is a complete system, from data management to analytical displays. Not only is it simple to learn, but the Google Visualization API can also be viewed as a first step to learning additional Google APIs.

"Google Visualization API Essentials" uses both methodology overviews and hands-on examples with real data to introduce chart and graph creation on the Google platform. Topics are presented from various aspects, including Google Spreadsheets and Fusion Tables, and Graphic User Interfaces. An overview of the various API development environments available to developers is also covered. Basic and advanced charts, data source connectivity, style formatting, and publishing options are also explored in depth.

"Google Visualization API Essentials" brings the arsenal of Google Visualizations into the web developer toolkit.

What you will learn from this book

  • Quickly launch a graph, chart, or map as an application, without the heavy-duty development environment.
  • Create a variety of interactive graphs from spreadsheet or database data.
  • Learn the Google API environment through Visualizations, and then apply the same concepts to other Google APIs.
  • Give users control over data viewing with Interactive Chart Dashboards, or let them style the visualization themselves with Chart Editor.
  • Discover Google Refine, a data-cleaning tool not just for visualization data.
  • Use Google Fusion Tables as a Google Map data source.
  • Embed a visualization in Google Spreadsheets using Apps Script API integration.
  • Customize visualization colors, fonts, titles, and chart styles.
  • Visualize your data over time with timeline and animation features.


This book is a step-by-step tutorial full of diagrams, core concept explanations, best practice tips, and links to working book examples.

Who this book is written for

This book will show you how create web-ready data visualizations using Google's infrastructure. Some HTML knowledge is the only requirement, although some JavaScript knowledge is also helpful.


About the Author

Traci L. Ruthkoski

Traci L. Ruthkoski is from an eclectic background in computation, statistics, media technology, and business. Traci is always looking for the latest challenges in technology. Having worked as an IT professional in both clinical and medical research settings, she has built High Performance Computing clusters from hardware to software application. More recently, Traci has been enabling academic research advancement through computing and cyber infrastructure in the cloud domain. She continues to work at the University of Michigan, now holding several roles supporting the overall advancement of Research Cyber Infrastructure and Information Technology at the University. Traci has published academic work in the IEEE CloudCom 2010 proceedings as well as maintaining a blog/tutorial repository for cloud computing tools and trends.