The Markdown Guide

Matt Cone

Language: English

Published: Jun 27, 2020


The Markdown markup language is one of the most popular plain-text formatting languages available. Now you can learn the Markdown syntax with the book that's been called "the best Markdown reference." Designed for both novices and experts, The Markdown Guide is a comprehensive reference manual that has everything you need to get started and master the Markdown syntax.


" The Markdown Guide is hands-down the best Markdown reference." --Michael Hartl, Founder of Learn Enough and author of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial

" If you're looking for an in-depth guide for more Markdown tips and tricks, I highly recommend the unofficial but authoritative Markdown Guide." --Justin Duke, Engineering Manager at Stripe and Founder of Buttondown

" The Markdown Guide is awesome. I keep it open in a browser tab for reference while working on my guides." --Rob Reeder, Documentation Specialist, Software Engineering Institute, CMU

About the Author

Matt Cone is a technical writer at Fastly. He has over ten years of experience creating documentation for organizations likeLinode and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Matt'sfirst book, Master Your Mac , was published by No Starch Press.