Introduction to the Old Testament, Set of Four Books (Prophetic, Poetic, Pentateuch, Historical)

C. Hassell Bullock & David M. Howard Jr. & Herbert Wolf

Language: English

Publisher: Moody Publishers

Published: Aug 31, 2007


This package contains all four books of An Introduction to the Old Testament set: An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books, An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books, An Introduction to the Old Testament
Prophetic Books
, and An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch.

An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books, incredible events, amazing love stories, larger-than-life personalities and deep theological implications and themes are just part of the treasure that awaits readers. These books tell the story of the nation of Israel and the God who loves her, punishes her, and always brings this recalcitrant people back to Himself.

In An
Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books
, C. Hassell Bullock, a noted
Old Testament scholar, delves deep into the hearts of the five poetic books, offering readers helpful details such as hermeneutical considerations for each book, theological content and themes, detailed analysis of each book, and cultural perspectives.

An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic Books, C. Hassell Bullock presents a clear picture of some of history's most profound spokesmen--the Old Testament prophets--and the God who shaped them. Our generational distance from the age of the prophets might seem to be a measureless chasm. Yet we dare not make the mistake of assuming that passing years have rendered irrelevant not only the Old Testament prophets, but also the God who comprehends, spans, and transcends all time.

An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch, Old Testament expert Herbert
Wolf provides layreaders and scholars alike with a strong undergirding of understanding and knowledge in this introduction that reveals both the seriousness and excitement of the Pentateuch.

C. HASSELL BULLOCK (B.A., Samford University; B.D., Columbia Theological
Seminary; University Ph.D., Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion) is professor of Old Testament studies at Wheaton College. Since the completion of his formal education, Dr. Bullock has served as both a professor and as a pastor in
10 different churches.

He is the author of An Introduction to the Old Testament
Prophetic Books, Encountering the Book of Psalms, An Introduction to the Old Testament
Prophetic Books
, and An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books.

Bullock resides in Wheaton, Illinois.

DAVID M. HOWARD Jr. (B.S., Geneva
College; M.A., Wheaton College; A.M., Ph.D., The University of Michigan), is professor of Old Testament at Bethel Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is the author of four books, including An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical
Books, What Makes a Missionary
, and The Structure of Psalms 93-100, as well as several dozen articles in scholarly journals and Bible encyclopedias. He resides in Shoreview, Minnesota.

HERBERT M. WOLF (Wheaton College,
Dallas Theological Seminary, Brandeis University) was a well loved and respected professor of Old Testament at Wheaton Graduate School in Wheaton, Illinois. A translator for the Old Testament section of the New International Version, Dr. Wolf is the author of a number of books including Haggai and Malachi, in the Everyman's
Bible Commentary Series, An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch,
and Interpreting Isaiah as well as numerous journal, magazine, and encyclopedia articles.